The Ragged Good Looks Reader Survey

As I’m trying to restructure this blog in terms of both content and design, I would love to see reader’s feedback. As always, comments at the end of blog posts are recommended. I also developed this survey today to get feedback on specific topics that I want to focus on. I’m going to keep this up once I do redesign the site (minus this intro) so if you want to take it in the future there will be a link at the top of the site.

Note: yes, I know that I said I was going to discontinue the “Friday News Roundup” posts. That’s still true but I kept that answer to some of the following polls as I might reconsider that decision if people really do want to see them. If not, I’m still planning on doing some sort of news-related item on Fridays. If I do make that change, I’ll reflect it in the polls.

One thought on “The Ragged Good Looks Reader Survey

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